In 2022, Brodie Connolly didn’t have a full-time ride in Australia, making his 3rd place finish in the Australian Motocross Championship during his first full season in 2023 impressive. More impressive, in just his second full season, Polyflor Honda’s Connolly dominated the championship, securing the title with one round still remaining. The 20-year-old New Zealander […]
Category Archives: MX2
Il quattordicesimo appuntamento con il Mondiale è coinciso con il GP delle Fiandre che si è corso sulla pista più ostica dell’intero torneo, Lommel. Un tracciato sabbioso che mette sempre alla frusta mezzi e piloti. Il nostro Yago Martinez in sella alla sua TM ha iniziato il week end con le cronometrate del sabato chiuse […]
The MXGP of Flanders has turned out very positively for the De Baets MX team. Lotte van Drunen started with a wildcard in the MX2 class and managed to score a World Championship point in this class. In addition, Benoit Paturel scored fifteen important points in the MXGP class. The conditions were tough in Lommel. […]
Come ormai succede da tantissimi anni il tracciato di Loket ha ospitato il GP della Repubblica Ceca, tredicesima tappa del mondiale e per l’occasione teatro della finale dell’Europeo EMX2T. Se il nostro Yago Martinez era in gara come al solito nella MX2 si è sfruttata l’occasione per far correre anche Brando Rispoli nella finale dell’EMX2T […]
JM Racing Honda’s Delvintor Alfarizi has managed to achieve a top fifteen finish in his home Grand Prix in Lombok. Alfarizi managed to achieve this position in the second moto when he finished fifteenth. In the first moto he crossed the finish line in nineteenth place with a problem with his rear brake. During the […]
Quentin Prugnieres of F&H Racing finished eleventh in the eleventh round of the MX2 World Championship in Lombok, Indonesia. Prugnieres managed to finish tenth in the first moto and crossed the finish line in twelfth place in the second moto. In the hot conditions, Prugnieres did not have an easy time on the track on […]
Eindelijk zag de Italiaanse GP ons tussen de hoofdrolspelers, Brando Rispoli klom naar de tweede trede van het podium in de EMX125 en bracht de kleuren van TM moto naar de top. Goede prestatie ook voor Yago Martinez in de punten in beide heats van het MX2 Wereldkampioenschap. Het Maggiorapark bood in het weekend allerlei […]
Quentin Prugnieres of F&H Racing finished ninth in the tenth round of the MX2 World Championship in Maggiora, Italy. Prugnieres managed to finish in the top ten in both heats and finished ninth in the day’s results with a 9-10 in the heats. Prugnieres started the weekend enthusiastically and was motivated to hunt for the […]
De negende ronde van het MXGP Wereldkampioenschap vond plaats op de zanderige baan van Kegums, op Letse bodem. De GP van Letland was de terugkeer van onze Yago Martinez in MX2 na de blessure in Montevarchi en een nieuwe afspraak met het EMX125 Europees Kampioenschap voor Brando Rispoli. In de MX2-tijdritten eindigde Yago met de […]
Quinten Prugnieres of F&H Racing scored a top ten moto finish in the Grand Prix of Latvia. Prugnieres crossed the finish line in ninth place in the first moto and then had a very strong beginning in the second heat. Unfortunately he lost his rhythm and fell back to twelfth place. The ninth race of […]