Factory Honda Australia is fully prepared with a formidable nine-rider lineup for the 2024 Australian Supercross Championship, competing across three classes. With three riders in the SX1 (450cc) class, five in the SX2 (250cc) class, and one in the SX3 (250cc) class, Honda’s Factory Team is ready to take on the competition. SX1 (450cc Class) […]
Category Archives: Geen categorie
Con il secondo posto nella prova lombarda di Malpensa, salgono a quattro i podi consecutivi di Danée Gelissen nel Prestige Femminile. L’olandese del Ceres71 Racing Team si conferma seconda in classifica generale e tiene aperta la corsa al titolo. Nel mese di ottobre il Campionato Italiano MX PRO Prestige Femminile va incontro al ‘rush finale’ […]
La cuenta atrás para una nueva edición de los ISDE (International Six Days Enduro) ha empezado para el equipo WP Eric Augé, que ya se encuentra en el paddock de Silleda (Galícia), centro neurálgico de esta edición 2024, con importantes novedades en lo que a logística se refiere, y es que la estructura estrena nueva imagen corporativa […]
Il Santa Barbara di Ponte a Egola (PI) è stato il teatro della seconda finale dell’Italiano Junior 2024 dedicato anche alle 125 che vedeva di nuovo impegnato per il nostro team Brando Rispoli. Una pista che Brando conosceva bene che grazie alle piogge dei giorni antecedenti la gara si è presentato in maniera ottimale ai […]
Honda Racing Australia is preparing to launch its most expansive 250 program ever for the 2024 Australian Supercross Championship. Team Director Yarrive Konsky stressed the importance of meeting high expectations and continuing the team’s 250 success. “Since 2019, we’ve dominated the 250 championships in both motocross and supercross, but keeping that streak alive is no […]
Last weekend in Jauer, Max Nagl was able to secure the driver’s title in the ADAC MX Masters. However, the team could not rest, as the team and brand standings were still at stake. In Holzgerlingen, the competition was given no chance, and Jordi Tixier and champion Max Nagl were able to secure all three […]
Afgelopen weekend hadden de jongens de Nederlandse strandrace in Vlissingen op de planning staan. Deze wedstrijd werd gezien als voorbereiding op het aankomende Franse Zandkampioenschap dat op 12 en13 oktober van start gaat in Berck Sur Mer. In overleg met Twenty Racing Suspension werd niet deelgenomen aan de laatste ADAC-wedstrijd in Holzgerlingen maar werd gekozen […]
Joey Savatgy, a two-time AMA 250SX Runner-Up and the 2019 450SX Rookie of the Year, has officially joined the Firepower Honda Team and Australian Factory Honda for the remainder of this year and beyond. With a career filled with success in both supercross and motocross, Savatgy—a two-time World Runner-Up 450 Supercross Champion—still has unfinished business […]
Terzo podio consecutivo per Danée Gelissen ed il Ceres71 Racing Team nella prova marchigiana di Grottazzolina, quarto appuntamento del Prestige Femminile. In classifica generale, l’olandese conferma il suo secondo posto. Nel secondo fine settimana di settembre ritorna l’appuntamento con il Campionato Italiano MX PRO Prestige Femminile. Dopo la lunga pausa estiva, la serie dedicata alle […]
The Italian Junior MX National Finals kicked off in Monterosato di Fermo. With the arrival of Gennaro Utech in the team, who joined Davide Paglialunga, there were two riders competing in this first final. It was two days of great heat, that of Fermo, that put the riders and the organisers to the test, but in […]