Uno splendido sole ha accompagnato l’atto conclusivo degli Internazionali d’Italia EICMA Series. Una giornata positiva per due terzi in casa Ghidinelli, con Rispoli ed Escandell che chiudono rispettivamente ottavo e nono della MX2. La malasorte continua a bersagliare invece Fuerì, ritiratosi nella prima manche dopo una caduta che gli ha provocato una contusione alla spalla. […]
Category Archives: Geen categorie
Qualifying in Detroit was strong for the team, with Joey Savatgy clocking the 7th fastest time, just two-tenths behind last week’s winner. Given the brutal crash he suffered earlier—captured on video—it was a relief to see him not only walk away but also return for qualifying. “Joey’s bike was damaged after crashing over the quad […]
The French Elite championship kick off this weekend at Lacapelle Marival, where a few wild card came to prepare their MXGP season. Both Francisco Garcia and Jake Cannon got good results among some factory boys who will not race the entire series. For both Francisco and Jake it was a first opportunity to be back […]
Montevarchi, 16 febbraio 2025 – Il secondo round degli Internazionali d’Italia di Motocross ha visto il Team FRT Motorsport – SM Action impegnato sul tracciato del Circuito Miravalle di Montevarchi. Con condizioni meteo soleggiate, ma un terreno profondamente scavato dalle piogge dei giorni precedenti, i piloti si sono trovati di fronte a una sfida tecnica […]
Jaume Betriu, 3º en PRO General y TOP 5 en la Xtreme Race del sábado Doblete en Junior, victoria de Albert Fontova y 2º puesto de Sam Hughes La Bassella Race ha vuelto a confirmar su estatus como uno de los eventos de enduro más multitudinarios y espectaculares del calendario nacional. Con una parrilla repleta de […]
Montevarchi (AR) February 16 – The second and last test of the International of Italy MX was held on the renewed track of the Miravalle di Montevarchi (AR). Despite the abundant rains fallen in the days preceding the race, a weekend of sunshine allowed the regular performance of the event. Once again our two guys […]
The two 125cc riders of the De Baets MX team, Tyla van de Poel and Bertram Thorius, lined up for the second round of the Italian Championship in Montevarchi on Sunday. Both riders showed good speed, and on the challenging track, Thorius came close to securing a top-ten finish. Leading up to the event, heavy […]
The ‘Miravalle’ circuit, in Montevarchi, hosted the second and final round of the Internazionali d’Italia Motocross Eicma Series 2025. A sunny day welcomed the public and riders who, after the difficult opening round in Mantua, found the track in perfect condition despite the rain of the previous days. Fourteenth in timed practice, Ben Watson (Beta […]
WP Eric Augé estrenará su temporada 2025 este fin de semana en la Bassella Race. Una primera toma de contacto con la competición que servirá como test para la escuadra, que afronta un año nuevamente muy intenso con multitud de competiciones tanto en el plano nacional como internacional. El equipo contará con una destacada alineación de seis […]
The Enduropale du Touquet is like the start of a new school year for the Bud Racing team’s new recruit, Fran Garcia. The young Spaniard knew nothing about sand racing before signing up for the legendary Nord-Pas-De-Calais event in the Junior category. Above all, he had not taken part in any competition since injuring his […]