Category Archives: Geen categorie

FRT Motorsport Round 1 Italian Prestige – Ottobiano

The first appointment of the Italian prestige in the Ottobian track has been staged. Characterized by its sandy bottom, high speeds and technical track! Our driver on the Kawasaki KX450 2025 immediately showed his speed skills despite his severe aches due to a fall the week before in training. In free practice he scored the […]

Goede cross-seizoen start voor Twenty Suspension rijders

Twenty Suspension rijders Jeremy en Damien Knuiman hadden tot en met begin februari een druk winterprogramma achter de rug met alle races van het Franse Zandkampioenschap. Dit Franse Zandkampioenschap werd met geweldige resultaten afgesloten. Nu vanaf maart kijken we weer vooruit naar het motorcross seizoen 2025. Even een paar weken motorrust en vanaf afgelopen weekend […]

2025 Campionato Italiano MX Junior – Selettiva Zona SUD #01, Malagrotta (RM)

Fine settimana di ‘alti e bassi’ per il Diana MX Team quello di Malagrotta, primo appuntamento dello Junior riservato alla Selettiva Zona Sud. Nella classe 125 Junior, Samuel Iannibelli si dimostra veloce in qualifica e chiude la gara vicino alla ‘top 10’. Esordio sfortunato invece per Pasquale Diana: una caduta nelle qualifiche lo penalizza nelle […]

Official Announcement: Honda Racing Australia’s 2025 Motocross Team!

Honda Racing Australia enters 2025 with the momentum of a historic 2024 season, securing six championships across Motocross and Supercross—including an unprecedented sweep of all four Australian Motocross Championships. While replicating that feat will be a challenge, the team is determined to chase this once again with a champion-stacked rider lineup. MX1: Defending the Throne Kyle […]

Tyla van de Poel Secures Fourth Place in Lierop

Tyla van de Poel of the De Baets MX team achieved an impressive fourth-place finish in the first moto of the Dutch MX Season Opener in Lierop. Unfortunately, a mechanical issue in the second moto forced him to withdraw from the race. During practice, Tyla immediately felt comfortable on the track, allowing him to push […]

Sven van der Mierden in de top tien in Lierop

Sven van der Mierden van het Laurense Motors Kawasaki team is in de Dutch MX Season Opener in Lierop in de top tien geeindigd. Er stond een sterk deelnemersveld met verschillende internationale toppers. Van der Mierden werkte twee sterke manches af en wist in zowel de eerste als de tweede manche op een tiende plaats […]

Noel Zanocz Wins Supermarecross in Italy

Noel Zanocz of the JM Racing Honda team has won the Supermarecross in Italy. Zanocz took victory in both heats, as well as in the superfinal. David Braceras participated in the Dutch MX Season Opener in Lierop. The event featured a strong field of competitors, making it an ideal training race ahead of the World Championship […]

Diana MX Team 2025 Internazionali d’Italia Motocross EICMA Series – RND #02, Montevarchi (AR)

Dopo la copiosa pioggia che ha imperversato lo scorso weekend a Mantova, in questa circostanza il bel tempo l’ha fatta da padrone sul tracciato di Montevarchi, sede dell’atto finale degli Internazionali d’Italia EICMA Series. Il Diana MX Team ha raccolto nel complesso buoni spunti, mandando in archivio il campionato con l’11esimo posto finale di Luca […]


Montevarchi, Italy – The final round of the Internazionali d’Italia MX took place this weekend on the historic Montevarchi track. The Millionaire Racing Team, led by team manager Michele Caprioli, faced a challenging race with its rider Giuseppe Tropepe, on a track made extremely technical by the rain that fell in the previous days. Despite […]