Round 1 of the Australian Motocross Championship delivered a full spectrum of emotions for Honda Racing Australia and its fans. Competing in all four classes, the team celebrated race wins, overall victories, and endured some tough crashes that left riders sidelined. MX1: Webster’s Win and Wild Crash Reigning MX1 champion, Boost Mobile Honda’s Kyle Webster, […]
Category Archives: Geen categorie
The first half of the season has been a test of resilience for Quad Lock Honda. The team has delivered strong performances, securing multiple top-ten finishes in the premier class, but racing’s highs and lows have kept them just shy of their ultimate goals. Now, with nine rounds behind them and a valuable mid-season reset, […]
With an intense off-season focused on refinement and preparation, the Factory Honda Racing Team is ready to take on the 2025 Australian Motocross Championship. Armed with the championship-winning CRF450RWE and CRF250RWE, the team is confident their meticulous testing and development will translate into race-day success. Team Manager Mark Sladek believes the team’s hard work will […]
Jaume Betriu vuelve a la 500cc sobre una GasGas Albert Fontova y Yago Martínez, las nuevas incorporaciones 2025 Albin Elowson y Sam Hughes, confirmados para todo el calendario Juan Pablo Clericus, Adrià Sánchez, Lluis Gonfaus e Inbar Zelinger continúan en el equipo WP Eric Augé lo tiene todo dispuesto para afrontar otra apasionante temporada en el […]
Tyla van de Poel from the De Baets MX team finished on the podium in the first race of the Dutch MX Nationals in Oss. Van de Poel struggled with arm pump in both heats but rode two strong races, finishing fourth and third. During the time practice, Tyla hadn’t yet found the right rhythm […]
Ottobiano (Italia), 10 marzo 2025 – Il Millionaire Racing Team ha affrontato con grande determinazione la prima tappa del Campionato Italiano Motocross Prestige, disputata questo weekend sul tracciato sabbioso di Ottobiano. Nonostante le difficoltà, i piloti Giuseppe Tropepe e Gabriele Arbini hanno lottato con grinta portando a casa preziosi punti per la stagione. In Gara […]
Twee weken geleden vond de eerste motorcrosswedstrijd van het seizoen plaats in Lierop. Met een indrukwekkend deelnemersveld, inclusief vele Grand Prix-toppers, werd het een ware mini-GP. De 450 rijders van het Laurense Motors – Kawasaki Racing Team, Sven van der Mierden en Robert Fobbe, lieten zich direct gelden. Van der Mierden bewees dat hij dit […]
Il Campionato Italiano MX PRO Prestige MX1/MX2 inaugura la nuova stagione con la prova lombarda di Ottobiano. Per il Ghidinelli Racing Team, il fine settimana è caratterizzato da note positive e momenti meno fortunati. Nonostante tutto, Rispoli sfiora la ‘top 10’ della MX2 Elite. Poco più indietro il francese Fuerì, che chiude sedicesimo. L’Ottobiano Motorsport, […]
The first appointment of the Italian prestige in the Ottobian track has been staged. Characterized by its sandy bottom, high speeds and technical track! Our driver on the Kawasaki KX450 2025 immediately showed his speed skills despite his severe aches due to a fall the week before in training. In free practice he scored the […]
Sven van der Mierden van het Laurense Motors – Kawasaki Racing Team is in de eerste wedstrijd van de Dutch MX Nationals in Oss in de top vijf geeindigd. Van der Mierden kwam in beide manches sterk voor de dag en werd zevende en zesde in de manches, wat hem in het dagklassement een vijfde plaats […]