Elia Sammartin is Italian Champion 2023



Elia Sammartin is Italian Champion 2023.


We have reached the final act of the Italian Supermoto season, a double appointment on the Viterbo track which hosted two races, one on Saturday and one on Sunday.

The L30 Racing team is present at this race to close the national activity in a big way and then devote itself to the last races of the World Championship and the Nations which will be held in Italy next October.


SM1 Pro.

Day 1


Elia Sammartin arrives at this appointment with the red plate of championship leader, the driver from Veneto found a good feeling with the Lazio track right from the first practice, scoring pole position. Andrea Acetti is 19th.


Elia made no mistakes in race 1, as he did practically throughout the season, a perfect start and in the first part of the race he took the right advantage to arrive under the checkered flag with a fair margin over his rivals. Acetti improves his performance and finishes in 14th place.


The second heat is the photocopy of the first with Sammartin who is the master leaving nothing to his opponents and for the second time he wins with detachment. Andrea Acetti is also very good in race two to bring home the 14th place.


Thanks to these two results, Elia Sammartin is the new Italian Champion SM1 Pro 2023 with one degree to spare.


Day 2


Elia Sammartin fresh Italian champion leaves nothing to his opponents and in qualifying he gets the pole position. Andrea Acetti did not take part in the race due to health problems.


Elia is relentless in race 1, the driver from Veneto leaves only crumbs to his opponents, Sammartin with an incredible pace that led him to win with a large advantage.


In race 2, a perfect start for Elia who immediately found an advantage in the first meters which gave him the possibility to run calmly and to win this second heat as well.


The Italian Championship ends for Elia Sammartin with the perfect season 12 victories in the heats that crown him the new 2023 champion.



Day 1


Kevin Vandi didn’t find the feeling with his bike on the Viterbo track, struggling since free practice, Kevin gets the fifth fastest time in qualifying. Good performance by Emanuele Esposito who sets the eighth time overall.


Kevin in race 1 puts all his talent into trying to improve his performance, Vandi with a good performance also scoring an improvement in lap times ends in fourth place. Emanuele Esposito with a good performance ends up in seventh place.


In the second race Vandi tried to keep the pace of the leading riders but he would have had to risk a lot by risking crashing, Kevin couldn’t do better than the final fifth position. Esposito made a mistake, after a great start that had projected him to the top of the standings, forcing him to retire.


Day 2


In SM4 qualifying Kevin Vandi manages to improve his performance earning the fourth time, excellent performance for Esposito who concludes with the seventh time.


In race 1 Kevin Vandi manages to show off a great performance, the rider from Romagna raced with grit and determination and finished in third place. Excellent performance for Emanuele Esposito who finished sixth.


In race 2 Kevin was unable to repeat the good performance of the first heat, Vandi was unable to do better than the final fifth position. For Esposito another good performance concluded with sixth place.


In the classification of the day Kevin Vandi climbs on the third step of the podium, and is fourth overall in the championship with Esposito finishing seventh.


SM Young

Day 1


Matteo Andreotti astride his TM 250 is now a protagonist of the Young category, the Lombard rider scored the second best performance in qualifying on the Viterbo track.


Matteo started well in race 1, putting himself in the wake of the race leader, Andreotti tried right up to the final laps to take the lead but never had the opportunity to attack his opponent going on to finish in second place.


In the second heat Andreotti staged a duel with another rider for second position which lasted for several laps. Matteo finished in third place and getting on the podium in the same position.


Day 2


Excellent performance in qualifying for Matteo Andreotti who takes home the pole position.


Andreotti did not take advantage of his pole position in race 1 losing first place at the start, Matteo however showed great grit which saw him battle for first position for most of the race and a few laps from the end he launched the decisive attack going to win the round.


In race 2 a not easy start where Matteo lost two positions, but thanks to an excellent race pace he recovered finishing in second place.


Thanks to the two excellent results Matteo Andreotti wins the race and closes behind him in the championship.